
If you have a Muslim boy in your Group, you have a follower of a world religion of some billion members. And it is almost certain that your member will be a boy because it is unlikely that any Muslim girl will be allowed into Scouting – at least not yet. Islam is a way of life. Muslims are people of the “Book” – the “quar’an” or as we pronounce it, the “Koran”. There are some common origins with Judaism – Arabs (Muslims) are said to be descended from Ishmael, who was the son of Hagar, the maidservant of Abraham’s wife; Jews are descended from Isaac, the son of Sarah, Abraham’s wife. So Islam, Judaism and Christianity are all very closely linked and while Jews and Muslims do not accept that Jesus was the Son of God, Muslims do accept him as a prophet. So Muslim Scouts ought to have no difficulty in sharing fully in a Scout’s Own, where it is God who is worshipped. The Muslim boy has to learn the Koran by heart and will want to do his duty to Allah, which is his name for God. His religion has two pails, faith and action and both are essential to him. He has five pillars of faith. First, he believes in the unity of God and in Mohammed (Peace be unto Him) as His Last Messenger. Second, if he is of Scout age he will have to say prayers five times a day – and time must be allowed for this at camp and other events. And he will have to fulfill a special ritual washing before his prayers. Other boys should expect to see him at prayer and respect him for it. Then, third in the month of Ramadan, the Muslim boy will have to fast – have no food or drink – from sunrise to sunset. This is to help the rich experience the pain of the poor. But it will need understanding on the part of other boys and Leaders. At camp a Muslim will eat beef, chicken and lamb if it has been properly killed, but he will not eat pork. It is probably better to provide fish for meals along with cereals and vegetables and so on, because there will be no problem with them. The fourth pillar of the faith involves his giving to the needy, and fifth, if possible, is a pilgrimage to Mecca. The five pointed star in the symbol is a reminder of the five pillars, while the crescent is the sign that the Islamic month begins with the appearance of each new moon. A Muslim will be supported by his parents.

Courtesy of – The Mac Scouter’s Big “A Scout is Reverent” resource book

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