My name is Patrick Wilson. I have been involved in Scouting for over 48 years both as a Scout and Scouter. I am married to a beautiful, supportive wife, Carol. I have had three beautiful daughters, two from my first marriage, Nicolle and Allison and one step daughter, Krystle, from my second marriage. I say “had” as my youngest daughter went to be with the Lord in 2014 due to a sudden illness. We have three beautiful grandchildren, Dustin (currently a Scout in the same troop I joined in 1976), Danica and Nathaniel.
I was raised Roman Catholic and attended a Catholic high school where I briefly considered going into the priesthood. Soon after high school, I became disillusioned with my faith and set off on a 15 year journey to discover what I really believed. During that time, I spent six years as a Scoutmaster then held various other adult positions in my troop. I got involved in training serving as district training chairman and was finally called to participate on Wood Badge staff. All of this time, the Lord was preparing me for my return to Him and a calling that I would have never imagined. In 1999, I received the Silver Beaver Award. By then I was pretty well known and well respected among the adults and youth alike within my troop, district and council. That is when the unexpected happened.
The Calling
Over a period of three days during my 45 minute commute to and from work, the Lord called me out. It was as clear as it was coming over the radio. As a matter of fact, I am not sure that it wasn’t. For three days I would get in my car and be in a trance-like-state where I had no control over the vehicle. Basically what happened was that the Lord had taken me to and from work while placing on my heart to work for Him and make Scouting my ministry. I couldn’t understand, why me? Here I was, running and making jokes about bible thumpers, why me? His response was simple. He said to me, ” I have let you run loose long enough. I have placed you in a position on influence and now I want you to work for Me”. I had a “Road to Damascus” experience
From this point I knew that I needed to find a church. I realized that I was not a denominational person and the Catholic church that I grew up in was not in line with my thinking. I had become a protestant thinker. So I started looking at different protestant churches. I knew it had to be Christ centered. After several months of searching, the Lord led me to Mt.Olive Ministries, a LCMS community. This is where I have been since 1999. Although I don’t claim to be a Lutheran, I find that this particular church is Christian first and Lutheran second.
The funny thing is that when I arrived at Mt. Olive, there was no place to house a Scouting Ministry. The Lord has his ways. After a couple of weeks, I heard about their plan to build a community life center with a multi-use room and 10 classrooms. Scouting is now one of the largest local outreach ministries of Mt. Olive with over 50 youth during the peak season. With a Scouts BSA Troop 92 for Boys and Troop 2092 for Girls.
Currently, I serve as the Charter Organization Rep and Chaplain for our Scouts at Mt. Olive in Milpitas. I have also served as the Religious Emblems Coordinator for the Coyote Creek District of the Silicon Valley Monterey Bay Council , BSA.
My Ministry
Serving as a spiritual guide and counselor for a largely un-churched community is one of the greatest tasks the Lord has given me. In June of 2006, I became ordained through the United New Testament Church International, an evangelical free ministry which supports independent ministries with training, ordination and peer support. I am also ordained with the National Association of Christian Ministers (NACM) and the Christian Leaders Alliance. As an ordained minister, I have been privileged to officiate weddings and conduct memorials for the Scouting families that I serve. My Scouting Ministry is my congregation.
I am currently enrolled in Christian Leaders College working toward a BA in Divinity (Chaplaincy), as I have been called to go into full time hospital Chaplaincy after retiring from my current career in Customer Support.
Fun Fact..
I married my daughter before I married my wife!
Let me clarify.. I performed the wedding ceremony for my step daughter the year before I married her mom in 2010. So, technically, she wasn’t my daughter yet, but it does sound funnier that way..
Yours in Service to God and Scouting